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January is National Mentoring Month!

What better time to show your team that you care about their growth and success?


Creating and implementing a mentorship program can be a great way to foster a culture of learning and development within your organization. Here are some tips to help you get started:

1. Define your goals: What do you hope to achieve with your mentorship program? Are you looking to develop specific skills or competencies? Do you want to improve retention rates or employee engagement? Having a clear understanding of your goals will help you design a program that meets your needs.

2. Identify potential mentors: Look for employees who have the skills, experience, and willingness to mentor others. Consider offering incentives or recognition to encourage participation.

3. Match mentors and mentees: Pair mentors and mentees based on their goals, interests, and personalities. Provide training and support to both parties to ensure a successful mentoring relationship. This is a great opportunity to implement the AcuMax Survey partnership Thistle has with Acumax to gain better insight regarding learning and communication styles!

4. Set expectations: Establish clear expectations for the program, including the time commitment, communication guidelines, and evaluation criteria. Make sure everyone understands their roles and responsibilities.

5. Measure success: Track the progress of your mentorship program and evaluate its impact on your organization. Use feedback from mentors and mentees to make improvements and refine your approach. This is another fantastic opportunity to utilize Thistle’s partnership with Gusto as they provide an entire goal and feedback module making these milestones and expectations transparent and available for all involved.

Remember, mentorship isn't just a one-time event - it's an ongoing process. By creating a culture of mentorship, you can help your team achieve their full potential and achieve success together.


Celebrate National Mentoring Month by taking the first step towards creating a culture of learning by connecting with Thistle HR, right away!


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